Friday, December 31, 2010

Who They?

A little quiz for any motor sport fan who still checks out the blog. It's the 1962 British Grand Prix - not 1961 - probably the most anglophone race in history and the cameraman obviously couldn't bear to film anyone who drove a non-English car. First eleven are straightforward, you only see the back of driver six but who else wore yellow overalls.

My guesses here:

Friday, December 24, 2010

Merry Christmas

OK I know the BBC and the Met Office both inhabit the wacky-world of AGW. Oh and I do realise they've been grossly underestimating Mid-Wales' temperatures over the last couple of weeks ...... but haven't they over compensated a wee bit on the cold side with their maximum temperature for Christmas Day? A day time max of -13C? I do hope Santa has checked the anti-freeze in his reindeer.

UPDATE: The Met's all time lowest maximum daytime temperature for Wales was -8C. I recorded a high of -8.7C during the day so I wouldn't have been surprised if the official December record (-5.5C) had been broken. Seems it wasn't. Strange that.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Traffic Update

The Hereford to Aberystwyth downmail stagecoach was brought to a halt by the snows on Radnor Forest. Thankfully the passengers had disembarked and the horses been unharnessed when an avalanche swept the coach from the road and left it buried underneath a fourteen foot drift. The stranded party managed to find shelter at the nearby Forest Inn.

In case anyone is worried this was in January 1854, not this morning.

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Musical Interlude

Oh dear I'm afraid the sound of all these plummy-voiced Trot students is making me nostalgic for Uncle Joe.

Monday, December 06, 2010


Here's a turn-up for the books, Sir Stirling wins the Innes Ireland Trophy. I wonder if they considered giving it to the guy who mugged Bernie? Sir Stirling telling it like it is to the Daily Telegraph here, and a little off-camera tale about Innes at the end.