Wind farms - a ghastly waste of money. Solar panels - a daily reminder that the poor have to cough-up extra cash to subsidize the well-to-do. Fracking - seems like a good idea. There you go, cards on the table and a few more readers heading towards that little red button in the top right-hand corner.
So should I invite James Delingpole over for a cup of Glengettie leaf tea? After all I read his Telegraph blog, usually end-up agreeing with what he says and the poor bloke is holidaying in Cregrina and gasping for a decent brew.
I know this because Mr D has written about it, he's a bit peeved by the fact that a local farmer - let's call him Mr B - has put-up a wind turbine which can be seen from the bedroom window of his holiday cottage. It's quite spoiled Delingpole's Radnorian sojourn.
OK, suddenly I'm feeling a bit less sympathetic to JD and warming to Mr B. Here are some quotes, I've helpfully highlighted them in orange:
I no longer look at the white houses dotting the valley and wish one day that I could own one
So turbines have their plus points it seems. Mr Delingpole's sympathies lie though with
the B & B owners, the people who run pony treks and riding stables, the retirees whose nest egg lies mainly in the value of their properties.
I think he means English people.
The tragedy of the Edw Valley is, unfortunately, a tragedy is being repeated across our once-magnificent country. Especially in poor Scotland – a crime for which Alex Salmond and his co-conspirators will one day burn in hell.
See what happens when you write without the benefit of a decent cuppa and yes he does mean English folk.
Price drops of 25 per cent are not uncommon and there have been cases where houses located near wind turbines have been rendered simply unsellable.
If only Mr B would erect a couple more of his poxy turbines then perhaps a few locals might afford to live in the Edw Valley. Dellers is a bit of a wimp though:
I'm not arguing for direct action: I don't believe in violence or threats of violence, either to person or to property.
So that's all right then. Still, he wants to ostracise Mr B because:
Anyone who puts a wind turbine on his land fully deserves to be ignored, isolated and loathed by his neighbours.
Can't see it happening, the locals are a bit too clannish to take much notice of blow-ins.
Oh and can you spot the turbine, it is there honest.