Monday, April 07, 2008

Innes Ireland Remembers

Hot from the presses Ed McDonough's collection of Innes Ireland's journalism published by Mercian Manuals. Here's the blurb:

Innes Remembers

Innes Ireland was a successful racing driver, all-round sportsman, patriotic Scot, lover of classic cars and a prolific writer. His books have always been very popular but for many years he was also a contributor to a wide range of automotive magazines including Classic Cars, Road & Track, Autocar, Car Graphic and many others.

His love of motoring and racing began at a very early age in Scotland and over the course of his long career in journalism, he wrote down many of the tales of his childhood and youth, as well as his adventures as a Grand Prix driver for Lotus and exponent of long distance sports car racing. He knew a vast number of people associated with racing and other sports and was given a free hand to recount his stories. Some of the tales are very personal, many reflect on the highs and painful lows of racing, and there are episodes clearly born out of his love of driving good cars.

Motor racing historian Ed Mcdonough has taken the original transcripts of Innes’ articles, with the co-operation of Jean Ireland, and edited them into this collection of tales, adding many photographs not previously published. They demonstrate the depth of Ireland’s passions and his skill as a writer and story teller.

Price: £34.95

Now where have I seen that cover photo before?

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