Thursday, June 27, 2024

The Election

 So here we are a week out from an election in a country with an economy ruined by self inflicted wounds - covid, climate change and immigration.  Oh and a few weeks before a possible planet destroying war really kicks off. 

The funny thing is that no-one is talking about the coming war, the real reason tweedledum called the surprise election - he supposedly wants out before it happens.  Meanwhile tweedledumber - the guy who is perfectly OK with cutting off the water to Gaza - has no such qualms.

So off we'll trot, photo identification in hand, to cast a vote in what may well be the last election for a few generations, it doesn't really matter does it?  Our Plaid Cymru candidate - I voted for them in pre-woke days - was the Green Party choice at the last election.  I wouldn't vote for her then so why should I now?  There's an abolish the Welsh Assemby guy, a limited ambition while you have two main candidates eager to abolish the world.  I'll probably not bother.

Sunday, June 02, 2024

Not much to do with Radnorshire

What do you do if you're broke, no-one will lend you money because your credit rating is through the floor and you've sold off the last of grandpa's silver?  Well one option is to go on the rob, which is basically what Western foreign policy is all about.

The juciest plum in the locality is the Russian Federation, rich in oil and gas, minerals, wheat, timber all those goodies waiting to be stolen to keep the West afloat.  Forget that stuff about democracy, international law etc.  It's about loot.  No need to believe me since it's openly admitted by a variety of Western leaders from Von Der Leyen up.

And of course Russia is weak and Putin is an unpopular despot, it's ripe for the picking. Except of course it isn't, he isn't and the West's plan to use simple, corrupt Ukraine to topple the deck has failed miserably.

What now?  A graceful exit?  Not likely, more of the same, even risking nuclear war while driving China and Russia into an even closer alliance.  Oh and let's force the Global South to take sides .. Guess what they're not choosing you.

Blackmail and bribery are the only explanations as to why the European leaders go along with this self-evident nonsense, but what about the minions?  The journalists and various other apparatchiks who oil the wheels of self-destruction - put that down to mortgages.  You don't need strongarm tactics in a time of near universal debt.

Unfortunately for Wales our intellectual class are fully on board with the globalist project. Of course they may be unsettled by all those videos of dismembered children coming out of Gaza but otherwise they've swallowed it all, the jab, the climate racket, the rules based international order etc.  It doesn't augur well for Wales and the Welsh language when the whole rotten structure collapses.  We've put far too many eggs in the Western basket.